Our new office

Back in 2023, we announced it, we moved. Now our office is actually ready. We have taken the first pictures. The entrance, our meeting/demonstration center (PrakTiqs) and the company cafeteria where we can enjoy lunch and/or drinks with our partners and guests in our PrakTiqs Center.

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When you choose flexibility

With a TIQS Party Pass you are flexible, and it is also a very nice gift to give!

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From QR mass to Personal KASSA.

Link your QR to the Cashier with that you can also serve yourself. Start with just the drinks and control the food with your TIQS cash register system.

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How a hotel improved its service, made more revenue, and did so with the same number and sometimes even less staff.

With the TIQS QR ordering code you and your service, improve your sales with the same staff or even less. So why not get started with TIQS QR ordering right away.

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ENTRY-XL fast access higher efficiency

When you want to take the next step in customer friendliness and increase your sales by having your visitors in earlier and thus having longer time to make purchases

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